American Express x Formula-1

American Express x Formula-1

The Gist

I was tasked with briefing our team to come up with creative approaches that embed AMEX across the F1-fan’s social journey. Navigating without on-screen talent nor rights to Drivers, lead me to identify relevant content-formats that bolstered our reasoning and maximized performance in the feeds.

The Approach

My briefing urged the team to introduce a tension; something that incentivizes viewers to follow along with the video– anticipating a truly-undetermined pay-off.

The creative-team landed around the amount of time it takes an f1 racer to lap the LVGP track, 1:30s.

From that gamified-spark I armed the team with social signals that supported use of this visually-chaotic, yet captivating composition the brand hadn’t delved into before.

Giving context of the aptly named, Sludge Content immediately got us buy-in on concepts and the green-light from our partners.

The Work

Enjoying member benefits at the speed of Formula-1

Holding attention while communicating member benefits

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